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Industry Review: Latest research & development in Neuroscience clinical trials

Neuroscience focused clinical trials have been in steady decline in both investment and volume over the past decade, however are we looking a resurgence following the development of new science and technology, coupled with the global pandemic putting a spotlight on this hugely complex therapeutic area. In this report, we look at the latest research and development in Neuroscience clinical trials.

The report discusses the following points in further detail: 

  • Following more than a decade of decline in investment and focus by the pharma industry, we are witnessing a resurgence in in this complex therapeutic area.
  • The development of new science and technology, the global pandemic putting aspotlight on the area, with funding investments for neuroscience by pharma businesses now only second behind cancer research investments.
  • Long Covid is increasing the number of clinical trials exploring whether treatment is meeting needs, and the economic implications incurred.
  • Globally, more than 280 separate studies into Long COVID examining the various approaches to treatment and understanding of the condition; projects vary between the biological causes of the condition; recovery and rehabilitation solutions; and guidelines on treatment and cost of the disease.
  • Despite the high levels of Dementia related deaths, funding for the condition remains much lower than other diseases.
  • Prior to 2020 and the Covid-19 pandemic, Dementia was the UK’s biggest killer. In recent years there have been a number of impressive breakthroughs in clinical trials though, along with 41 phase III Alzheimer’s trials, which could see new treatments available in the near future.

To find out more, read the full report here: CLS Insights – Latest Research and Development in Neuroscience clinical trials.

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