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Market Insights: Merging markets within CROs – what changes will we see within the industry?

In this latest report, Compass Life Sciences consultants analyse the current CRO market, what changes we are currently seeing, and how this is likely to impact the wider Life Sciences industry.

The report discusses the following points in further detail:

  • The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, saw several CRO businesses fall by the wayside. Some remained consistent while some remained consistent and carried on working throughout. Others took the opportunity to expand and provide a bigger portfolio of services and take more of a monopoly on the market.
  • The merging of businesses had a positive impact on company ability due to facilities, resources and staff being able to operate immediately on a larger scale.
  • We have been seeing a key trend within our clients and speaking to those in the industry which appears that Pharma and Biotechs are taking operations in-house to protect their own interests.
  • Another notable key trend within the industry being seen recently is how several major organisations are expanding in the South Africa region. Both sponsors and vendors with a focus on mRNA vaccines are boosted by the World Health Organization’s ambitious vaccine hub, which is aimed at bridging the gap between the disparity of developed and developing countries.
  • The report concludes with predictions in 2023 and how the CRO market will likely look to change over the next few years.

To find out more, read the full report here: CLS Insights – CRO Market Insights.

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